Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Comic Book Design

Picked this great book up in waterstones the other day and It's full of really useful pieces of refrences. Not to mention the amount of time and energy that goes into a creating a comic book. There where also a few articles on a number of my favourite comic book artists.

Page layouts and rough sketches.

How the whole peice start's out a rough doodle into somthing of quite brilliant proportions.

Queen of the inhumans and her It's best not to ask.

More thumbnails and layout's, brining the feeling of any decent of graphic design. Of course I was one of the people who used to get terribly annoyed when told comic books where not Graphic Design.

A favourite artist of mine, Brian Wood who does alot of work for Vertigo comics (Part of DC comics that doesn't realate to their superheros.)

OOoo Colour theory and Hellboy on the same spread. =D

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