Thursday 19 August 2010

Style Icon

Style. Artistic expression. Or; why I draw the way I do.

A 'problem' I brought up at the end of the second year was worrying that I had not developed any kind of style. That no one would be able to look at my work and go: Oh, that's Leigh Wortley's. (Or more accurately; that's the girl who talks to much about the X-men.)

I've come to the decision however (one that I think was made for me by people around me) that I don't need a style. Especially not in an illustration sense. This would pigeon hole me and limit what I could do with myself as a designer and an illustrator.

As a test I started to illustrate Jubilee (of the x-men, who else) in the same style that I have done my header image in. I wanted to see if it could work across media (from real life to comic books.)

The Jubilee one is still my favourite. It was the first one I did and I didn't get any better at it. XD
After I posted my own caricature, I had requests from friends for me to do illustrate them too. However, I'm not Wonder Woman (Though her new costume is quite spiffy) And I only managed to do Jonny P.

Other requests include my kid sister and Emma Price. She's getting her's for her birthday though.

Next post. My other way of doing things.

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